Hello Richard, Could you possibly do a follow up to this Sofi article given todays close in the $6 area on April 21, 2022? Thanks!

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Great analysis, thanks! Just added a small position too. I also think the lending business has been and will continue to be a customer acquisition driver for them use lending as the entry point for college students

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Thank you Neil!

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Interesting analysis. Three businesses, not one. I wonder if the market will value it that way in the coming weeks.

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I think it already has through IPOE. If it were only the Lending business, the market cap would be much lower.

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Let's not forget that Noto has stated he will be using his newfound billions to make multiple acquisitions. The future looks dazzlingly bright for Sofi.

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Great article. Thank you for this. What's your thoughts on PT for 2021?

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Thank you, Josh. Hard to say. It depends a lot on the new features that SoFi will bring in the coming months (as I explained, they are like a startup) and their user growth. Also, a nice tailwind could be them getting the bank license.

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